AEB Maths, English and ESOL enrolments
In 2020/21 there were just over 61,000 AEB enrolments of which:
Half were made up of maths, English and ESOL enrolments. Maths enrolments accounted for 14%, English for 13%, with ESOL for a further 23%.
AEB learners by employment status upon enrolment
There were just over 30,000 AEB learners resident within the WMCA area of which 53% were unemployed learners, a further 13% were learners out of work but not looking for work and 34% in paid employment.
AEB unemployed learners by age
Of the approximate 16,000 unemployed people in learning, 79% were aged 24+ and 21% aged 19-24.
Number of AEB learners by gender
More than 6 in 10 AEB learners were female, 13% were recorded as having a disability and nearly 6 in 10 were from a BME background.
Number of learners by disability
13% of AEB learners have disclosed a disability
Number of learners by ethnicity
Almost 57% of AEB learners are from BME backgrounds.
Concentration of learners in deprived areas
Comparison of AEB learners by ward and levels of deprivation by output area points to a relatively strong association between concentrations of AEB learners and concentrations of deprivation.