
In 2020/21 AEB spend accounted for just over £46 million of which:

AEB spend by Local Authority (£)

More than half was accounted for by learners living in Birmingham.

AEB spend by LEP area (£)

56% by learners living within Birmingham and Solihull LEP area, 37% within the Black Country LEP and the remaining 7% within Coventry and Warwickshire LEP area.

AEB spend by Level (£)

Enrolments to courses at Level 1 or below accounted for 43% of the spend, with 37% on Level 2 enrolments, and 18% on enrolments at Level 3 or above.

AEB spend by Sector (£)

Spend was divided equally between essential skills and professional and technical skills, with the remaining 1% spent on ‘other’ skills.

AEB statutory entitlement and ESOL spend (£)

In total £18.7 million was spent on statutory entitlements of maths, English and ESOL. Maths enrolments accounted for 13% of the whole AEB budget for colleges, English for 11%, with ESOL accounting for 16%.

AEB spend by employment status upon enrolment (£)

Almost 60% of college AEB spend was accounted for by unemployed learners, a further 14% by learners out of work but not looking for work and more than a quarter by learners in paid employment.

AEB spend in relation to unemployed by age (£)

Of the £27 million spend relating to unemployed learners, about three quarters was accounted for by those aged 24+.