Some 45,000 learners at CWM colleges aged 16-19 were on ESFA funded programmes in 2021/22. The split between those living in or outside the WMCA Local Authorities was roughly 70/30.

Within the WMCA patch, 45% of the 32,177 ESFA funded CWM learners aged 16-19 lived in Birmingham. The smallest proportion (5% or 1,669 learners) lived in Solihull.

The largest group of learners were those studying at level 3 and these made up 56.3% of learners in the WMCA locations and 51.9% of those living outside the WMCA area.
A higher proportion of learners were at entry level in the WMCA – 7.1% vs 5.4%

When looking at level of learning and Local Authority area, the highest proportion of learners at level 3 live in Sandwell (62%) and Dudley (59%).
Walsall has the lowest proportion at level 3 (47.5%), the highest proportion at entry level and level 2 and the second highest at level 1.

Subject and Sector
The subject area which attracted the highest number of enrolments was Construction followed by Health, Nursing and Social Care.
Almost 4,000 learners were on basic programmes and 3,238 studied for A Levels.
Top five subject/sectors in 2021/22 | Learners |
08. Construction, Planning and the Built Environment | 4,976 |
01. Health, Nursing and Social Care | 4,249 |
19. Preparation for Life and Work | 3,904 |
20. Business, Administration and Law | 3,572 |
21. A Levels | 3,238 |