In 2021/22 the total number of learners at CWM colleges which received an Advanced Learner Loan to fund their learning at level 3 and level 4 was 2,394.
1,988 learners were on programmes at level 3 and a further 406 on programmes at level 4.

52% of CWM adult learners who funded their learning through ALL lived in the WMCA patch. This proportion is significantly lower than the 68% of the AEB-funded adult learners living in the same area. This shows that WMCA residents are more likely to be funded through AEB than through a loan.

CWM learners resident in the WMCA patch were more likely to study at level 4.

The highest proportion of learners funded through Adult Learning Loans was in Birmingham at 35%, however residents in Birmingham make up 48% of AEB funded CWM learners.

Sector and subjects
The top subject area at level 3 by a long way was Health, Nursing and Social Care folowed by Education, Humanities, Languages, Social Sciences and General Education, likely to be relating to Access to HE programmes.

At level 4, Health, Nursing and Social Care attracts the greatest number followed by Business, Administration and Law.

At level 4, Health, Nursing and Social Care remained the most popularĀ