In 2021/22 there were 4,571 apprenticeship starts across all CWM colleges which contributed to the 11,598 apprentices on programme that year.
Level of apprenticeship
Over half (55%) were advanced apprenticeships, with 36% at intermediate level and at 8% higher level.

The number of apprenticeship starts was higher for those living outside the WMCA region (52% of starts) compared with those living in the WMCA (48% of starts).

This higher proportion of apprenticeship starts in learners living outside WMCA is evident across all levels of apprenticeships.

Just over 2,000 apprenticeship starts were learners living in the WMCA. The largest proportion live in Birmingham (28%), followed by Dudley (23%).

CWM apprenticeship learners aged 16-18 form the largest age group of apprenticeship starters at 45.8%

Across all ages, there are more apprentices at advanced level. The largest group is apprentices aged 16-18 on advanced apprenticeships with a slightly higher proportion living outside the WMCA. Conversely, at higher level, proportionally more apprentices aged 24+ live in the WMCA patch.

The most popular apprenticeship is construction, which made up 30% of the 4,571 apprenticeship starts in 2021/22. The top four sectors of Construction, Engineering, Business and Administration and Health and Science made up over 73% of all apprenticeship starts.