
Adult Inclusion Data (2.3)

Gender (2.3.1) 

Across all locations and funding types, female learners outstrip male learners by nearly 2:1 in 2021/22, females made up 64% of learners and this rose to 77% when looking at Advanced Learner Loan funded learning alone. 

Funding Category All CWM 2019/20 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 2021/22 2021/22 
 F M F M F M 
Adult Education Budget 29,302 15,626 27,731 14,824 27,843 16,150 
Advanced Learner Loans 2,682 1,341 2,418 918 1,834 560 
Free Courses For Jobs 214 35 731 404 
  31,984 16,967 30,363 15,777 30,408 17,114 

Sex of CWM learners by funding type – volumes 

Funding Category 2019/20 2020/21  2021/22 
 F M F M F M 
Adult Education Budget 65% 35% 65% 35% 63% 37% 
Advanced Learner Loans 67% 33% 72% 28% 77% 23% 
Free Courses For Jobs     86% 14% 64% 36% 

Sex of CWM learners by funding type – proportions 

AEB and ALL 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 
 F M F M F M 
01. Health, Nursing and Social Care 88% 12% 86% 14% 82% 18% 
02. Public Services 18% 82% 14% 86% 18% 82% 
03. Child Development and Well Being 98% 2% 96% 4% 96% 4% 
04. Science and Mathematics 65% 35% 65% 35% 64% 36% 
05. Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care 59% 41% 61% 39% 64% 36% 
06. Engineering 23% 77% 19% 81% 14% 86% 
07. Motor Vehicle and Transportation 12% 88% 9% 91% 8% 92% 
08. Construction, Planning and the Built Environment 7% 93% 7% 93% 7% 93% 
09. Information and Communication Technology 55% 45% 55% 45% 64% 36% 
10. Retailing, Wholesaling, Warehousing and Distribution 23% 77% 17% 83% 15% 85% 
11. Hair, Beauty and Services 80% 20% 81% 19% 86% 14% 
12. Hospitality and Catering 67% 33% 70% 30% 52% 48% 
13. Sport, Leisure and Recreation 26% 74% 35% 65% 47% 53% 
14. Leisure, Travel and Tourism 67% 33% 69% 31% 69% 31% 
15. Performing Arts 24% 76% 21% 79% 34% 66% 
16. Media and Communication 29% 71% 40% 60% 45% 55% 
17. Art and Design 74% 26% 72% 28% 78% 22% 
18. Education, Humanities, Languages, Social Sciences and General Education 85% 15% 75% 25% 78% 22% 
19. Preparation for Life and Work 58% 42% 65% 35% 54% 46% 
20. Business, Administration and Law 51% 49% 54% 46% 46% 54% 
22. GCSE English 63% 37% 63% 37% 63% 37% 
23. Basic Skills English 74% 26% 73% 27% 72% 28% 
24. GCSE Maths 68% 32% 70% 30% 68% 32% 
25. Basic Skills Maths 77% 23% 77% 23% 76% 24% 
26. ESOL 67% 33% 67% 33% 66% 34% 

LLDD (2.3.2) 

Consistently about 14% of adult learners have disclosed a learning difficulty and/or disability and/or a health problem. 

 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 
 All areas WMCA All areas WMCA All areas WMCA 
Learner considers himself or herself to have a learning difficulty and/or disability and/or health problem 14% 13% 14% 13% 15% 14% 
Learner does not consider himself or herself to have a learning difficulty and/or disability and/or health problem 84% 84% 84% 85% 83% 84% 
 No information provided by the learner 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 

Ethnicity (2.3.3) 

Ethnicity by location 

When looking at the broad ethnic groups in which learners identify, it is clear that learners who are resident outside the WMCA areas are increasingly more likely to identify as White (85% in 2021/22). 

Within the WMCA areas, around 48% of learners are from Black, Asian or Mixed heritage. Over the past three years a growing proportion of people within the WMCA  are identifying in the ‘other ethnic group’ category. 

2019/20  Birmingham   Coventry   Dudley   Sandwell   Solihull   Walsall   Wolverhampton   All WMCA   Outside WMCA  
 Asian / Asian British  5,052 31.2% 422 14.7% 453 14.0% 573 21.5% 157 10.5% 881 25.5% 707 21.1% 8,245 24.8% 953 6.1% 
 Black / African / Caribbean / Black British  3,652 22.6% 738 25.8% 245 7.6% 509 19.1% 72 4.8% 427 12.4% 658 19.7% 6,301 19.0% 811 5.2% 
 Mixed / Multiple ethnic group  998 6.2% 170 5.9% 120 3.7% 163 6.1% 82 5.5% 132 3.8% 207 6.2% 1,872 5.6% 406 2.6% 
 Not Provided  504 3.1% 37 1.3% 145 4.5% 106 4.0% 11 0.7% 0.3% 110 3.3% 922 2.8% 138 0.9% 
 Other ethnic group  1,736 10.7% 243 8.5% 203 6.3% 151 5.7% 60 4.0% 69 2.0% 128 3.8% 2,590 7.8% 348 2.2% 
 White  4,241 26.2% 1,256 43.8% 2,061 63.9% 1,165 43.7% 1,113 74.4% 1,931 56.0% 1,536 45.9% 13,303 40.0% 13,053 83.1% 
 Grand Total  16,183  2,866  3,227  2,667  1,495  3,449  3,346  33,233  15,709  
2020/21 Birmingham Coventry Dudley Sandwell Solihull Walsall Wolverhampton All WMCA Outside WMCA 
 Asian / Asian British       3,832  28.9%           388  14.5%           369  12.4%           490  19.2%           148  10.9%           755  23.0%         609  18.7%      6,591  22.5%        826  4.9% 
 Black / African / Caribbean / Black British       3,040  23.0%           754  28.3%           218  7.3%           450  17.7%             55  4.0%           432  13.2%         604  18.6%      5,553  18.9%        860  5.1% 
 Mixed / Multiple ethnic group         887  6.7%           156  5.8%           113  3.8%           158  6.2%             79  5.8%           105  3.2%         204  6.3%      1,702  5.8%        488  2.9% 
 Not Provided         420  3.2%             77  2.9%           214  7.2%           136  5.3%             13  1.0%             18  0.5%         100  3.1%        978  3.3%          96  0.6% 
 Other ethnic group       1,360  10.3%           236  8.8%           155  5.2%           128  5.0%             47  3.5%             82  2.5%         130  4.0%      2,138  7.3%        286  1.7% 
 White       3,705  28.0%         1,056  39.6%        1,917  64.2%        1,184  46.5%        1,019  74.9%        1,892  57.6%      1,604  49.3%    12,377  42.2%    14,229  84.8% 
 Grand Total    13,244          2,667         2,986         2,546         1,361         3,284       3,251     29,339     16,785   
2021/22 Birmingham Coventry  Dudley  Sandwell  Solihull  Walsall  Wolverhampton All WMCA Outside WMCA 
 Asian / Asian British       4,359  29.0%           462  17.2%           470  13.5%           528  20.1%           211  13.8%           797  24.7%         747  21.2%      7,574  23.6%        825  5.4% 
 Black / African / Caribbean / Black British       3,601  24.0%           791  29.5%           283  8.1%           469  17.9%             65  4.2%           403  12.5%         639  18.1%      6,251  19.5%        660  4.3% 
 Mixed / Multiple ethnic group         877  5.8%           156  5.8%           132  3.8%           140  5.3%             84  5.5%           133  4.1%         238  6.8%      1,760  5.5%        400  2.6% 
 Not Provided         595  4.0%             64  2.4%           131  3.8%             69  2.6%             14  0.9%             15  0.5%           96  2.7%        984  3.1%        119  0.8% 
 Other ethnic group       1,781  11.9%           266  9.9%           222  6.4%           172  6.6%           117  7.6%             87  2.7%         208  5.9%      2,853  8.9%        240  1.6% 
 White       3,801  25.3%           945  35.2%        2,246  64.5%        1,247  47.5%        1,040  67.9%        1,793  55.5%      1,594  45.3%    12,666  39.5%    13,167  85.4% 
 Grand Total    15,014          2,684         3,484         2,625         1,531         3,228       3,522     32,088     15,411   

Ethnicity by funding 

The highest proportion of learners in BAME groups are studying on AEB funded courses within the WMCA area. The highest proportion of Whie learners are studying on Advanced Learner Loan funded courses outside the WMCA area.  

AEB 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 
 In WMCA Outside WMCA In WMCA Outside WMCA In WMCA Outside WMCA 
Asian / Asian British 25% 6% 23% 5% 24% 6% 
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British 19% 5% 19% 5% 20% 4% 
Mixed / Multiple ethnic group 5% 3% 6% 3% 5% 3% 
Not Provided 3% 1% 3% 1% 3% 1% 
Other ethnic group 8% 2% 8% 2% 9% 2% 
White 39% 83% 41% 85% 38% 85% 
ALL 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 
 In WMCA Outside WMCA In WMCA Outside WMCA In WMCA Outside WMCA 
Asian / Asian British 19% 5% 19% 4% 19% 4% 
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British 18% 6% 16% 5% 14% 4% 
Mixed / Multiple ethnic group 8% 3% 6% 4% 8% 3% 
Not Provided 1% 1% 2% 0% 2% 0% 
Other ethnic group 3% 1% 2% 1% 3% 1% 
White 52% 84% 55% 86% 54% 88% 
FCfJ 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 
 In WMCA Outside WMCA In WMCA Outside WMCA In WMCA Outside WMCA 
Asian / Asian British     18% 4% 22% 2% 
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British     19% 4% 14% 14% 
Mixed / Multiple ethnic group     3%   4% 2% 
Not Provided     0%   2%   
Other ethnic group     5%   2% 1% 
White     54% 88% 57% 80% 

Deprivation (2.3.3) 

In 2021/22 43% of CWM learners were residing in the most deprived locations, compared with 28% of people living in these areas. At the other end of the deprivation spectrum, CWM learners were under-represented. 

Deprivation profile of CWM learners compared with the resident population 2021/22 

When breaking down the figures by funding type, it’s clear that AEB funding is accessed by residents in the most deprived areas and Advanced Learner Loan funding is less in evidence in the same group.  

Deprivation profile of CWM learners by funding type in 2021/22 


Destinations (2.4.1) 

Destinations by funding 

When looking at CWM college adult learners across all subjects it is evident that the destinations for a high proportion of learners were not recorded on the ILR. The percentage of unknown destinations is lowest for AEB funded learners (34%). 

Those on Free Courses for Jobs funded provision are most likely to have a recorded destination of emplloyment (33%) and those on Advanced Learner Loan funded provision are least likely to be unemployed and most likelt to progress to higher education (20%). 

There is extremely low progression of adult learners to apprenticeship provision – only 141 college learners across all 17 colleges progressed to apprenticeships last year. 

AEB destinations by level 

Despite the fact that recorded destinations do not reflect actual destinations as so many are unknown, there is a clear pattern where the lower the level, the more likely the learner is to stay in FE and 10% of those at level 3 progress to higher education. Generally the higher the level of learning the more likely the learners is to have a recorded destination of employment with peak recorded employment levels (41%) in the case of those learning at level 2.  

Level 3 destinations 

Learners on Level 3 provision funded through Advanced Learners Loans were most likely to progress to higher education (20%) and those funded through AEB and Free Courses for Jobs most likely to enter work. 

Destinations by sector  

Looking at key sectors, across all levels and funding types, the ones which show the highest rate of employment destinations are: Health, Nursing and Social Care (51%) and Motor Vehicle and Transporatation (65,5%). Those studying ICT are most likely to continue in FE (34%). 

  Apprenticeship Other FE HE Employed Not in Paid Employment Other Unknown 
01. Health, Nursing and Social Care 0.1% 5.8% 2.2% 51.2% 10.2% 3.0% 27.5% 
03. Child Development and Well Being 0.5% 12.2% 1.3% 36.9% 19.9% 5.2% 24.0% 
06. Engineering 0.2% 15.1% 0.9% 37.3% 16.4% 4.6% 25.4% 
07. Motor Vehicle and Transportation 0.1% 6.8% 0.5% 65.5% 10.1% 3.3% 13.7% 
08. Construction, Planning and the Built Environment 0.8% 12.4% 0.2% 38.3% 10.3% 5.9% 32.1% 
09. Information and Communication Technology 0.1% 34.1% 1.6% 11.8% 7.5% 4.8% 40.1% 
20. Business, Administration and Law 0.3% 10.2% 1.5% 34.5% 11.5% 7.1% 34.9% 

Destinations by sector – AEB funded 

The sectors in which AEB funded adult learners had a destination of employment in 2021/22 were Motor Vehicle and Transportation, Health, Nursing and Social Care, Business Administration and Law and ICT. AEB funded learners are not likely to progress to HE but 5-15% stay on in further learning in the FE sector. 

  Apprenticeship Other FE HE Employed Not in Paid Employment Other Unknown 
01. Health, Nursing and Social Care 0.1% 5.6% 2.3% 51.6% 10.2% 2.8% 27.4% 
03. Child Development and Well Being 0.5% 12.2% 1.3% 37.0% 19.9% 5.2% 23.9% 
06. Engineering 0.2% 15.4% 0.7% 37.9% 17.0% 4.2% 24.5% 
07. Motor Vehicle and Transportation 0.1% 6.8% 0.5% 66.6% 10.3% 3.0% 12.5% 
08. Construction, Planning and the Built Environment 0.8% 12.8% 0.2% 39.1% 10.6% 6.1% 30.4% 
09. Information and Communication Technology 0.5% 11.8% 0.5% 45.4% 13.0% 4.8% 23.9% 
20. Business, Administration and Law 0.5% 11.8% 0.5% 46.0% 12.6% 4.8% 23.9% 

Destinations by location 

When comparing the destinations of CWM adult learners who live within the WMCA postcode areas and those resident outside, the main differences are: 

More WMCA residents staying in FE (24% vs 5%). 

More residents outside the WMCA area with a destination of employment (43% vs 24%) but fewer recorded as not in paid employment.