CWM have focused on growing provision across the following four sectors over the past few years: Business and Administration, Construction, Engineering and ICT/Digital.
Adult provision is funded through AEB funding, Advanced Learner Loan funding and Free Courses for Jobs funding.
Overall growth
Across all four priority sectors colleges have grown learner numbers steadily year-on-year. The overall growth rate over three years was over 38%.

The same steady growth is evident in AEB funded provision in the four sectors. Apart from a slight dip in learners on Business provision between 2020/21 and 2021/22, the overall growth rate was 47% over the three-year period.

Growth in learner numbers in AEB funded priority sector provision was seen across all levels of learning.

Business and Administration
There was a slight dip in AEB funded learners on Business and Administration at level 1 and level 2 between 2020/21 and 2021/22, but overall provision grew by 16% over the three years.
At higher level there was particularly strong growth in AEB and Free Courses for Jobs funded provision and a sharp decline in learning funded by Advanced Learning Loans.

Overall AEB funded Construction numbers grew by 68% over the past three years. Growth was strongest at level 2 and level 3.
At higher level the same pattern of growth in AEB and Free Courses for Job is seen along with a decline in the number of learners taking our loans.

Growth in engineering learners was 86%, with greatest growth at level 2. Numbers at Level 3 are relatively modest.

There was a strong growth in AEB funded ICT courses at entry level and level 1. Provision at level 3 was almost all funded through AEB, but this fell off slightly in the last year. Overall the growth was 85%.