
A cutting-edge lab has opened its doors for engineering students at Solihull College & University Centre’s Woodlands Campus.

The PEMD (Power, Electronics, Motors and Drivers) Lab will enable students to gain vital new skills involving converting energy from fossil fuels to more environmentally friendly options.

The Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) has fully funded the £150,000 lab, which will be available for school leavers and university level students who will focus on how conversion technology can be applied in industry, home and the environment.

Plans are also in place to open the lab to members of the local community and businesses across the region to upskill their staff. 

There is scope for students to design electrical components, thanks to the industry spec 3D printers, alongside precision laser cutting. 

The students will also work with VR headsets, creating a 3D reality to work on, as well as being able to design and create printed circuit boards. 

Engineering lecturer, Ray Evans, commented: “The new Lab will introduce staff and students to new creative possibilities through the huge range of cutting-edge equipment we have installed, which can then be employed in their work or serve as a stepping stone to realising their own ideas and concepts. Sometimes just knowing what is possible with today’s technology is enough to spark the realisation that anything is possible with the right tools and help.”