College Overview
Halesowen College was founded as a tertiary college in 1982, replacing a small further education college which had occupied the site since the 1960’s. The college offers a broad, responsive and purposeful curriculum, providing young people from across the region with a wide range of opportunities to follow either academic or vocational pathways, including T Levels. While 16-18 learners form the great majority of its learner body, the college continues to develop and diversify. It supports a wide range of employers across the region with apprenticeships, including those at higher levels, and has a growing provision for adults.
The college operates from three campuses in Halesowen town (Whittingham Campus, Shenstone House and Coombs Wood), and predominantly serves the communities of Halesowen, Dudley, Sandwell and Wolverhampton. Working with adults in a range of settings and at various levels, the college’s adult provision supports people to gain confidence, update skills and improve employment opportunities. The college led on a strategic development fund pilot project for the colleges of the Black Country and is now leading on a wider skills development project across the WMCA region.
The college works extensively with employers across all aspects of its provision, supporting businesses and individuals to acquire the skills and knowledge they require to succeed.