
Lead: Joanna Travis, BMet College.

A group of leaders with key roles in ESOL provision who meet regularly to work collaboratively around regional priorities and common areas of interest; share knowledge and good practice and support each other to increase the effectiveness and impact of ESOL delivery.

Members of the group include leaders, managers and professionals from colleges and community providers as well as Local Authorities, the West Midlands Combined Authority and voluntary organisations. As well as developing the ESOL Strategy as defined in Unlocking Potential – Making Sense of ESOL in the Region, the group is instrumental in delivering its ambition.

Key developments include:

  • Setting up an ESOL hub…
  • Development and expansion of vocational ESOL provision
  • Establishing an Online learning offer
  • Development of a common Initial Assessment Tool
  • Increasing the availability and relevance of ESOL professional development.