The College West Midlands partnership was formed in 2017, then named as the Further Education Skills and Productivity Group (FESPG). The catalyst for our partnership was the desire to respond collectively to the opportunities provided by the devolution of adult skills and the imperative to work closely and collectively with colleagues in the West Midlands Combined Authority.
To support the region’s economy and drive up the prosperity of all people in the West Midlands through the transformational power of learning and skills development, achieved through a partnership approach which delivers relevant post-16 learning and skills for individuals and businesses.
All individuals, communities and businesses in the West Midlands will benefit from an inclusive, relevant and responsive post-16 further education and skills system, which empowers each person to aim high, progress in their careers, prosper in life and value their lifelong learning.
Through our college partnership, the West Midlands will achieve the most accelerated rise in skills levels nationally and will become a magnet for more businesses seeking to benefit from the growing talent pool in the region.
All our further education college members will be held in high esteem in their communities, will be well connected with the changing needs of individuals and industry and will attract learners and employers looking for relevant learning, upskilling and reskilling. Effective management of funding and resources will mean that colleges will be financially sustainable, well maintained, and provide a very compelling employment opportunity for people looking to enter and move through an education career pathway.
As a collective of further education colleges, Colleges West Midlands will achieve together what no college single could achieve alone. A systems approach will achieve an integrated post-16 learning and skills ecosystem in the West Midlands through:
- Speaking as one voice to raise the profile of further education, and influence change for the benefit of our learners, region, and members.
- Collaborative planning and delivery of a cohesive regional skills offer
- Sharing of experience, expertise and resources as well as growth and efficiency opportunities
- Strategic partnership with key stakeholders in business and government.
Values and behaviours
We will trust each other to take actions which are in the best interests of our region and our collective of colleges, not just our own.
We will share information and institutional plans in a timely manner which may impact adversely on other members. We will be transparent with our plans and there will be no surprises.
We will work together for the greater good of our colleges and learners.
We will have parity of status for all members and enable all members to play an effective role in decision making. We will have high ambitions for all our learners and strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for all.
- Equality of outcomes for all learners, with an initial focus on Black learners.
- A cohesive regional offer which provides learning pathways from basic learning to higher, specialist levels in all sectors.
- Effective colleges through collaboration and sharing of experience, expertise, resources, bids/growth opportunities, economies of scale.
- Increased reputation and influence for FE through stakeholder management.
These four key priorities are delivered through a workplan which is revised annually and comprises interlinking projects and workstreams.