
The further education sector plays a key part in creating a well-integrated system of providers, working together to support skills development across the region. Colleges provide their local communities with a broad and accessible offer that allows individuals to find the right level and carry on in learning or return after a gap. More significantly, we are instrumental in achieving the region’s ambition to grow the number of people with qualifications at level 3 and developing higher technical skills for the industries that are in demand. Between 2017 and 2021 the number of people at CWM colleges taking level 3 qualifications increased fourfold.

Colleges work with employers, funders and partners such as DWP and the careers service to equip individuals for opportunities in priority sectors, whether they are starting out in their career, returning to work or upskilling and advancing in their career through re-skilling and upskilling.

We welcomed the chance to feed into the LSIP for our region and are working collaboratively with our ERB and the WMCA to deliver the plan.

Our four priority sector groups meet regularly.

Construction and Green Skills

Lead: Mike Hopkins, South and City College Birmingham

Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing



Lead: Neil Sambrook, Walsall College


Colleges support the Electrification Skills Delivery Strategy which is convened by Warwick Manufacturing Group and supported by WMCA.

The aim is to enable the FE sector to provide skills and progression routes to higher skills, responding to opportunities provided by battery technology and electrification, not just in the motor vehicle sector but across other areas of transport and manufacture.

The project is focused on developing the skills of college lecturing staff, developing and sharing curricula, maximising physical and people resources, all with the intention of securing a cohesive regional offer.